Grades that have lower alloys will resist corrosion in pure water or atmospheric environments. Grades that have a higher alloy have the ability to resist corrosion in alkaline or acid solutions, as well as chlorine bearing environments, such as processing plants and other industrial facilities.
Stainless steel materials that have a very high level of chromium, as well as grades of stainless steel that contain nickel, have the ability to resist scaling. This high level of nickel alloy can also retain its strength even at very high temperatures. Manganese can also be added in significant quantities to stainless steel compositions for similar results to nickel alloys, but at a much lower cost.
Carbon is added to some types of stainless steel materials to increase hardness and strength. When these materials are subjected to treatment by heat, the steel can be strengthened and honed for use in creating tools, cutlery and razor blades.